Recent Company News
Royal Leo Creates Media Holdings Division
For the purposes of having clear and separate business functions of this corporation and its subsidiary companies, brands, services and intellectual property, and in an effort to consolidate media assets for better management and operation, the directors of Royal Leo...
Royal Leo Introduces eCommerce Division
For the purposes of having clear and separate business functions of this corporation and its subsidiary companies, brands, services and intellectual property, the directors of Royal Leo Holdings, Ltd., has authorized the forming a new division, Royal Leo Brands, LLC,...
Royal Leo Launches Cardboard Prospector
Royal Leo Holdings, Ltd. has launched a new website dedicated to the trading card and comics collectors and investors market called Cardboard Prospector. The project of Royal Leo Holdings founder and president, Cardboard Prospector is a predominately...
Royal Leo Holdings, Ltd. is a privately held family-owned investment group focused on long term investments. Our strategy is to build a diversified portfolio using a long-term buy and build approach. We provide our companies with professional management, expert technical assets and support, and high potential talent to accelerate their growth. Royal Leo Holdings, Ltd. is dedicated to promoting and preserving the American way.

Royal Leo Holdings, Ltd.
PO Box 691, Concord, VA 24538
(434) 998-3897 | info@royalleo.com