Royal Leo Property Holdings, LLC.

Royal Leo Property Holdings was created for the sole purpose of investing and holding real property. With a focus on investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts and raw land.

Company Info

Created for the sole purpose of investing and holding real property assets, with a focus on investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and the acquisition of real estate property for future development, Royal Leo Property Holdings is focused primarily on investing in REITs, both publicly and privately.

Beginning in 2021, Royal Leo Property Holding shifted in investment priority to wholly-owned real estate assets, with a focus on residential properties, single-family, multi-family homes and raw land. 

Future plans for Royal Leo Property include property development and improvement, with an intended focus on improving and developing distressed properties, and working in partnership with housing assistance programs to provide quality, safe and affordable housing to members of our communities in need. 

Long-term objectives of Royal Leo Property will include the acquisition of commercial real estate assets, continued residential property acquisition, and the acquisition and development of residential and commercial zoned raw land.

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Royal Leo Holdings, Ltd. is a privately held family-owned investment group focused on long term investments. Our strategy is to build a diversified portfolio using a long-term buy and build approach. We provide our companies with professional management, expert technical assets and support, and high potential talent to accelerate their growth.  Royal Leo Holdings, Ltd. is dedicated to promoting and preserving the American way. 

Royal Leo Holdings, Ltd.
PO Box 691, Concord, VA 24538
 (434) 998-3897 |